privacy & cybersecurity
Any business or individual that operates online, or collects information from customers, or stores business information electronically, is at risk of being the victim of cybercrime, including identity theft, and may have data privacy obligations.
CLS works with clients to ensure they understand their obligations and risks, and that they have compliance strategies that address their unique circumstances.
When it comes to protecting against data stability and security risks, advance preparation and the ability to respond rapidly are critical factors in the extent of damage a company suffers. CLS works with clients to develop risk avoidance and mitigation strategies should the worst happen, such as through insurance evaluation, cyberattack response team planning and creation of response plans tailored to their unique circumstances.
Some of the services we provide include:
- conducting privacy audits
- preparing privacy policies
- creating compliance and training programs
- marketing policies
- assessing third party relationships and risk allocation
- negotiating privacy and data security agreements
- incident response planning
- emergency response services and incident management
- incident investigations
- evaluating data breach reporting and disclosure obligations
- interfacing with law enforcement
- resolving identity theft fall-out